Due Date: Friday, December 18 (at midnight)
Rules: This is a final exam, not a homework assignment. You must solve the problems entirely on your own, and you should not discuss the problems with any other students in the class, or with anyone on the internet. Most of these problems require the use of Mathematica, and you should feel free to use Mathematica's online help system, as well as other Mathematica resources available on the web.
Note: For all questions, please make sure to fully explain the method you used to find the answer, and include any Mathematica code that was helpful. Feel free to use multiple notebooks to organize your work, but make sure to send me all of your notebooks.
\(\displaystyle p \,=\, \frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2}\) and \(\displaystyle q \,=\, \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}\).
Then \(p\) and \(q\) partition \(J\) into four pieces \(\mathsf{L}\), \(\mathsf{R}\), \(\mathsf{T}\), and \(\mathsf{B}\), as shown below.FinalExamJuliaSet.nb
contains a list of 9,642 points from \(J\). This should be helpful for making pictures of the Julia set.
to draw the transition graph for \(\mathsf{L}\), \(\mathsf{R}\), \(\mathsf{T}\), and \(\mathsf{B}\) under the map \(f\).
command to label each piece with its two-step itinerary.
\(\displaystyle \textbf{f}_1(x,y) \,=\, \left(\frac{x}{2},\,\frac{y}{2}\right),\qquad\textbf{f}_2(x,y) \,=\, \left(\frac{x+1}{2},\,\frac{y}{2}\right),\qquad \displaystyle \textbf{f}_3(x,y) \,=\, \left(\frac{x}{2},\,\frac{y+1}{2}\right).\)
A cycle for \(F\) is a periodic sequence that is possible as an orbit of the iterated function system (assuming the correct random choices). For example, a 3-cycle would be a possible orbit for \(F\) of the form \[ \textbf{p}_1,\;\;\textbf{p}_2,\;\;\textbf{p}_3,\;\;\textbf{p}_1,\;\;\textbf{p}_2,\;\;\textbf{p}_3,\;\;\textbf{p}_1,\;\;\textbf{p}_2,\;\;\textbf{p}_3,\;\;\ldots \]