Jim Belk University of Glasgow
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Dr James Belk

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow

E‑Mail:  jim.belk@glasgow.ac.uk

Office:  Maths & Stats 426


My research interests include geometric group theory, dynamical systems, and fractal geometry. See my my list of publications or my research page for more information.


This year I am teaching 4H/5E: Algebraic and Geometric Topology (view on Moodle) and 2F: Groups, Transformations, and Symmetries (view on Moodle). See my teaching page for information on past courses I have taught.

About Me

I received my PhD from Cornell University in 2004, and I have previously served as a member of staff at Cornell University, at the University of St Andrews here in Scotland, at Bard College in upstate New York, and at Texas A&M University. I have been at the University of Glasgow since August 2022.