Jim Belk University of Glasgow
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Dr James Belk

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow

E‑Mail:  jim.belk@glasgow.ac.uk

Office:  Maths & Stats 426

Office Hours (S25):  Tuesday 11 am – noon in JMS 630


My research interests include geometric group theory, dynamical systems, and fractal geometry. See my my list of publications or my research page for more information.


This year I am teaching 4H/5E: Algebraic and Geometric Topology (view on Moodle) and 2F: Groups, Transformations, and Symmetries (view on Moodle). See my teaching page for information on past courses I have taught.

About Me

I received my PhD from Cornell University in 2004, and I have previously served as a member of staff at Cornell University, at the University of St Andrews here in Scotland, at Bard College in upstate New York, and at Texas A&M University. I have been at the University of Glasgow since August 2022.